small letter
1 weeks ago
[ncod] demisexual is the easy part. everything else i'm still kind of pinning down
latest #13
small letter
1 weeks ago
i have been lightly, tentatively experimenting with she/they in some discord servers and have discovered that when i do get they'd, i get the happy fireworks, so i'm onto something there
1 weeks ago
small letter
1 weeks ago
i'm not... not a girl? but
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
small letter
1 weeks ago
the feminine identity is definitely still a thing but i am not sure wh-- MALATHEYN LOL
small letter
1 weeks ago
orientation is even more confusing because i am 99.9999% attracted to women but i am in a dedicated, unmoving relationship with a man and cannot imagine existing otherwise so like. ???????????????? lesbian with a hall pass??????????????????????
small letter
1 weeks ago
being demi means identifying what attraction is, and what kind of attraction it is, really messy and confusing
small letter
1 weeks ago
primarily demi!! girlthing! girl plus? new girl+? desaturated pink?
1 weeks ago
i knew a woman in college who fully identified as a lesbian but was engaged to a (admittedly rather feminine) man. she would just say that he was truly the only man she'd ever felt that way about.
small letter
1 weeks ago
ricinbeens: honestly thats so relieving to hear. its the kind of thing that i hesitate to say out loud i guess because of the whole... gestures... but its still really nice to hear stories like mine
small letter
1 weeks ago
i think in most circles im more likely to say i'm bi because i guess i'm worried about reactions or drama or what have you... or even like. trying to explain it outside of "idk this description best fits how i feel" -- which i think should be enough, but know it isnt always
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