but man if this isn't taking forever with my adhd brain
I'm actually not listing all threads, omg
I'm at 30 threads, my post is going to be a goddarn jumpscare...
Me: three powers in mind, I will figure out the last one next
- Regenerative powers: Kel's body will be able to heal much faster than the one of an average person. His wounds will close quickly, lethal blows will possibly only incapacitate him for a while and small cuts or things like that will close in little time. It doesn't make anything less painful.
- Full water based liquids control: He got the full water potion set before, so I'd like to give him control on the other 'facets' of water? Like, being able to turn water into ice, change its temperature at will, turn it into steam and such.
The self imposed limitation is having him being unable to control anything as long as it's inside someone else's body.
Still, I was thinking of kitchen uses (like cooling down cakes, chilling fruits like strawberries, steaming dumplings on his own) so would it be okay for him to have access to such powers as long as they're not part of anything 'alive' even if organic?
- Sacrifice: Kel will be able to take wounds that are on other people and 'pass' them on himself.
Those are the requests.... and now I just
for the last one to come to mind
Kel is very tank/protector themed, so I'm possibly going to open a DND book. What else sounds like 'oh, yes, this is a thing that an idiot would do'
fuck it, free runner feat. he's specialized in running in canon, i'm going to give him legs
- Free runner: Kel will have plenty of stamina and be able to run faster than most people, mostly ignoring difficult terrains (of course, not if he's dealing with things like poison or lava).
and ready to nerf as much as needed
now off for my daily fanart