✨ mukkuru ✨
1 weeks ago
[fantasy/ideas] On a far positive note, I've been stewing on my fantasy story idea after coming back to it and ended up branching into an entirely different fantasy story. Oops.
✨ mukkuru ✨
1 weeks ago
worldbuilding is fun
✨ mukkuru ✨
1 weeks ago
so far I got:
- the world is called Lunti and it's just one giant landmass on water
- there are 5 ginormous arch-like structures around the world -- one from the north, then the south, east, west, and the center. they are called gates and only the one in the center seems magically active??
✨ mukkuru ✨
1 weeks ago
- there's a conflict involving whether or not should all of these gates open. each country has their reasons for keeping it closed or wanting it opened.
✨ mukkuru ✨
1 weeks ago
i already have a vague image of the hero but i'm still whittling them down...