1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
[chatter plurk] instead of (thinking about) stress there is
leon the lobster videos
latest #41
1 weeks ago
he dropped a claw recently but he's fine.
1 weeks ago
im doing .... .. ...ok? got a medication update ive been waiting literal months for. on something now that's lightweight but that ive taken before without issues while i research the more heavyweight med she proposed, one i'd never heard of before - another anti-epileptic. promising! if this one doesnt work i'm gonna try the mystery newcomver in november
1 weeks ago
still very stressed over all of the stressors. however, consider: lobster getting patient love and care
if leon is deservingof this love and care, so are we all
1 weeks ago
bobamochi: truly. he's such an ornery lil fucker. i love him
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
I will have to watch this in a bit
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
but I am glad you are "ok?". it's better than nowhere near ok
1 weeks ago
still on boil water advisory for consumption but i took the literal best sponge bath ever via a stock pot of boiled water yesterday so i feel less anguished and troubled by my skin and oils
1 weeks ago
Arnavet: there is so very much leon to watch so please enjoy. also yeah. like. it's a very flimsy ok but i feel more able to try and slip into my old habits and routines
1 weeks ago
care for yourself like you are a leon
1 weeks ago
eat snacks. cozy up under good hidey holes. contemplate surroundings. eat more snack.
1 weeks ago
and the surroundings are so. so pretty. the big leaf turning is creeping in
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
Zazo, I'm not your mother, but I'mma mother you for a second...please take care of yourself /frets
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
as long as the routines/habits don't make you feel worse
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
I've heard TN has really nice leaves in the fall
1 weeks ago
im doing my best. also yeah the leaves are goddamn glorious. words can't catch it. words can't catch what it's like seeing the mist on the mountains, either, or the dances of the fireflies
1 weeks ago
its too damn pretty here. i couldn't live nowhere else
1 weeks ago
i think ive taken a good long break from person'ing tho, no-lifed a ton of hsr and did a complete Pyre run that made me cry (inevitably leaving ppl in the downside hits different when you have recently abruptly lost many amenities for a while). i am soft-launching being extant
1 weeks ago
i drove through tennessee/north carolina once in october and even from a car on a highway it really was some of the most beautiful scenery i’ve ever seen
1 weeks ago
that scenery IS autumn
1 weeks ago
i was about to extol the virtues of the blue ridge parkway n urge ppl to ride it if they ever get the chance. deep breath in. deep breath out.
thats still true but , well....a lot of the parts of that road i love most you cant do that right now. but one day. one day.

blue ridge parkway will break your heart open and leave it beating in you warmer any season
1 weeks ago
burupya: our scenery!! IS autumn!!!!
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
I'm so glad we got to go to Asheville for Ryan's birthday this year, he'd been wanting to go so bad and the arboretum there had an eclipse party so we went for that too since it was on his birthday
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
now...yeah you ain't getting in there easily. I'd like to believe that's why Fema is still basically awol but.
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
Anyway, I sadly haven't gotten to go on the BRP yet :'-(
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
closest I got was...somewhere on the far west side of NC near the GA border. there's a wedding venue there that's a castle that we looked at booking back in 2021
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
...I hope the people around there are ok :-(
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
I kind of have to imagine it's even better than the GA mountains in fall, though. Been to Helen then and oh my gosh. SO pretty
1 weeks ago from our last drive on the scenic route before helene, we went to a specific view spot my mimi enjoys for her to take it in again
1 weeks ago
I wish I'd done a fuller shot of All the mountains this makes it look way tighter than it is, that's just a corner of what you can see from the spot.
1 weeks ago
I have more pictures from that viewpoint though. I might dig in a bit. just those were a ways back.
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
now, I've known no small amount of mountains in person. I've eyeballed the high desert in cali, dicked around near the catskills, seen saint helens from a wonderful viewpoint on a long bridge.

sorry everbuddy but my mountains are the best ones
1 weeks ago
burupya: they are very much!!! actually blue!!! damn if that ridge ain't blue!
1 weeks ago better parkway shots. and some leaf litter photos from last autumn.
1 weeks ago
you can see the draw distance up there.
1 weeks ago
that's the last photo digging for tonight I think. whew . feeling a little misty eyed. thanks for listening.
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
oh goodness it's so pretty!
Killer Bunny
1 weeks ago
Matchre /hug
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