colorful bunch
6 days ago
[bg3] yeah I went back to this, idk why either instead of dai round 2, but here we are, act 3 spoiler(?) talk
latest #34
colorful bunch
6 days ago
I have FINALLY. stopped fucking around with sidequests. so that I could get MY GIRL LAE'ZEL BACK. from orin's grippers.
colorful bunch
6 days ago
this however meant dealing with gortash (no I did not have to deal with gortash but he upset MY OTHER GIRL KARLACH therefore motherfucker was going to have to die anyway) and that sucked
colorful bunch
6 days ago
dealing with the entire bhaal tribunal thing and that sucked
colorful bunch
6 days ago
sidequest bc I discovered the rest of mystic carrion's parts (and that sucked but the carrion fight (round 2 cuz I gave up and didn't give a shit and "killed" him before) did not suck) and went 'oh...I did end up killing the guy with the heart...cuz I fucking gave up on that quest...GUESS I CAN FINISH IT NOW HUH'
colorful bunch
6 days ago
getting to orin sucked and honestly I shoulda just restarted it once I figured out how it worked, but between karlach's high hp and astarion's invisibility, I managed to do it
colorful bunch
6 days ago
I've been actually trying to buy useful things so I'm gonna have to run around to shops again...
colorful bunch
6 days ago
oh and ALL THIS was AFTER I did ansur
colorful bunch
6 days ago
colorful bunch
6 days ago
(I did ansur after gortash bc they're in the same building it's RIGHT there)
colorful bunch
6 days ago
I'm gonna have to go to hell for orphic hammer raphael reasons and I know for a fact that that's going to suck, I still have to do cazador, minsc, and whatever gale's wizard quest in the wizard shop is? I genuinely have no idea what most of these are like and actually zero idea about gale's save that it somehow for some reason has to do with the nightsong
colorful bunch
6 days ago
I also still have to finish hagquest cuz I've been carrying around this hag bane and you WILL vomit up that child gdi >\
colorful bunch
6 days ago
and I might have finally found all of dribbles with the retrieval of his head, I'll have to check in on that
colorful bunch
6 days ago
y'all. god. act 3 sucks.
colorful bunch
6 days ago
it's a fucking slog if you want to Do As Many Things As Possible and every quest has 50 parts to it, most of which suck or are annoying
colorful bunch
6 days ago
I can't wait to finally actually settle into a new character (and play with mods beyond the cc mods!) who will make different choices and also not actually care about doing All The Things
colorful bunch
6 days ago
and frankly tav #1 shouldn't in theory care either, but as a first playthrough, you gotta, y'know?
colorful bunch
6 days ago
orin seemed really fucking hard to do but in this last go round she actually just kinda. hyperfixated on karlach on the stairs while the rest of the gang plucked at the ritual priests. it was weird, I'm not sure why she didn't keep coming after us, but I'll take this weird blip in her ai programming okay
colorful bunch
6 days ago
I'm trying to actually start using items since we're really getting into endgame now
colorful bunch
6 days ago
also, the fact that the faces of faerun mod doesn't have options for the shorter races or the less-strictly-human-looking races is a big bummer
colorful bunch
6 days ago
I don't know that the new cc mods will make much difference given that I'm still pretty set that I'm going to do duergar shadow the durgehog who will either be a sorcerer or a monk (sorcerer powers of get fucked! but monk speed!)
colorful bunch
6 days ago
no wait no sorry duergar's the dwarf one. if there's a special name for the underdark gnomes, that's the one
colorful bunch
6 days ago
now that I have orin's skin-armor I'm gonna have to do the same thing I do every time I get special armor (like gortash's!) and see what dyes do for funsies
colorful bunch
6 days ago
you can bet your sweet pussy I've got various dye mods unlocked. I should maybe put this one on my main game for the sake of pink-enough armor. hmmmm. the only mod I have on the main rn is a set of pink/teal dice
colorful bunch
6 days ago god I do like this little fuck I fucked around with in modded cc. I gotta start getting away from pink tho lol
colorful bunch
6 days ago
some of the hair can have secondary colors and some of them can't
colorful bunch
6 days ago also my eyeballs-
colorful bunch
6 days ago this is gonna be shadow the durgehog (shadurge? oh no that sounds like the ship name for shadow/surge...) but I made this ages ago
colorful bunch
6 days ago
having a mod to make black hair actually black is such a nice thing I'll play around with
colorful bunch
6 days ago
I also got a bunch of beard mods. idk why, just...nice to have cool options! even if the close-shaven ones are still fucked up and patchy
colorful bunch
6 days ago
decided to do the sidequest I care least about, so it's off for minsc, can't say I expected shapeshifter jaheira
colorful bunch
6 days ago also this is the pinkest I've ever gotten an outfit lol
colorful bunch
5 days ago
I would die for minsc and boo, I no longer regret this quest
colorful bunch
5 days ago
seeing the absolute confusion on everyone's faces when he talks to them is worth it
colorful bunch
5 days ago
also: I thought shadowheart's quest would be in the house of grief--like, it's gonna go there, but her journal entry says I still have to find the sharran lookout that I simply never have found so I guess I will go back and talk to everyone with her in my party??
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