2 days ago
So... if someone would be down with spotting me a paid time for winterfrosting I would really appreciate it: I can return the favor this weekend ;;
latest #10
2 days ago
I lost track of how long I still had loool /flop
dibs grant me 5 and you don't have to pay me back
2 days ago
sob ty hun
2 days ago
I will have kibby pics once phone is charge
it's THREE DOLLARS i can afford to throw you THREE DOLLARS
speaking of which do you guys need new bread rising towels given the Everything I am. christmas is towels this year everyone
2 days ago
lol we can always use more towels man, you're talking to the girly who asks for socks every year
2 days ago
Ains hasn't done bread yet this year but she will at some point I'm sure
well don't buy any towels for christmas that's all i'm saying
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