any other name
4 days ago @Edit 3 days ago
okay NEW PLURK. That was a few days on that damn series so I have chapters built up to read on the serials I follow. Five new chapters on Rise of the Living Forge!
latest #80
any other name
4 days ago
God this has so much more heart to it
any other name
4 days ago arwin you never think it through. But also you are an insanely impossibly good smith and you made a WORKING PERMANENT PROSTHETIC ARM
any other name
4 days ago
I mean it’s cursed and has the possibility of taking over the mind of its wearer but like. It’s fine Olive is strong willed.
any other name
4 days ago
Oh I hope the Menagerie absorbs the Phoenix Guild. There’s only three of them they don’t need to be a whole guild they can have more friends
any other name
4 days ago
Anyway up to date there time for five chapters of Nightmare Realm Summoner
any other name
4 days ago
what a silly story. fun though. it's just so OTT
any other name
4 days ago
ugh Jealous Potential LI in [FARMER] MAGE
any other name
3 days ago
there was no farming there was just tavia being jealous. boring.
any other name
3 days ago
bog standard isekai please cure my woes
any other name
3 days ago
(literally Bog Standard Isekai is the name of a serial)
any other name
3 days ago bog standard isekai I respect you so much
any other name
3 days ago
He has a CONLANG
any other name
3 days ago stop making ads about things that aren’t even in your story. There are no tiger cubs. I read that one
any other name
3 days ago this ad is kinda cute
any other name
3 days ago
ugh I decided to try the first volume on kindle unlimited of this rr serial and it is. the main character is a cringefail loser teenager and I can't deal with it
any other name
3 days ago
also he keeps thinking about how badly he needs to piss and once pissed himself and I'm over it
3 days ago
tag yr kinks, author
any other name
3 days ago
any other name
3 days ago
ugh tried another one and it is. Wacky. I hate when things are Wacky. the number of hp fics I have dnf'd for terminal Wacky is high
any other name
3 days ago
maybe it's time to try this used to be about dungeons
any other name
3 days ago
no I'm not enjoying how that's starting. argh. I hate trying to find something new
any other name
3 days ago
it's possible I'm doing an anhedonia because I wasn't really enjoying video games either
any other name
2 days ago
gah I'm enjoying this one but half the party have been kidnapped by extremely cruel horrible organized crime and the other half fell down a VERY deep hole and now I'm stressed
any other name
2 days ago
also everyone's sort of the inherently stupid that comes with being sixteen
any other name
2 days ago that is not how commas work dude
any other name
2 days ago
wow I clicked on another ad and "uncommon spells (like Instant Discount Ozempic)" NO THANK YOU
any other name
2 days ago sqh handshake emoji this guy
man I am enjoying this serial I'm reading a lot, but the main character is a summoner and is currently mostly summoning kobolds and they. can talk? they speak draconic but one of her other skills teaches her languages really fast so she can talk to them now. so they're like. they don't have free will but they can talk and they're disposable minions
and it's just kind of weird
they call her Ancient Mistress
(she was frozen in time for over three thousand years)
just like. she has not felt weird at all about her kobolds Who Can Talk dying for her?
they're apparently poor conversational partners but she does actually talk to them some
the moral implications here are weird
and they're like. they're. permanent? if she cuts off her mana from summoning them, it doesn't unsummon them, it just removes her ability to control them (and they immediately aggro on her/the party, not that she's tried this with kobolds but she did it with rats once as a test)
she learns how to create things by deconstructing them. she deconstructed a human body once. what. what if she deconstructed some more human corpses and learned to summon humans
Would That Be Fucked Up Or What
um. the fact that they can talk AND immediately aggro if she removes the spell is. um
yeah. y e a h
any other name
Yesterday @Edit Yesterday
I think the author's thought is that natural kobolds/rats/etc are all hostile so it's just reverting them to that?
but I uh they still have some desires??? HEY PLEASE CONSIDER THE IMPLICATIONS YOU’RE MAKING HERE
she deconstructed another two humans. the counter is ticking
(it usually takes fifteen of something for her to earn an imprint she can summon)
all of the people she has deconstructed sucked. two of them were evil sadists and one was just a cocky asshole
(they didn't kill the cocky asshole, he was assassinated by someone else but he was. uh. squished by a rock. and they decided cleaning that up was respectful)
L'Cygna Tovah
"bloodthirsty creatures," she says, as she commands them to attack
to be fair she's defending the town from a dungeon break army of goblins with her kobolds THEY TALK. YOU ARE CREATING LIFE. MAAM. MISS. LIKE AN ANIMAL IN EXTREME PAIN???
L'Cygna Tovah
yeah, but when you are issuing the kill order, you are at least as bloodthirsty as the soldiers enacting it
this is???? so questionable???????
I feel real weird about it!! they LAUGH. They EXPERIENCE EMOTIONS ENOUGH TO LAUGH
any other name
23 hours ago
Per the ANs btw the author’s combat scenes are heavily influenced by games like Path of Exile and Diablo
any other name
23 hours ago
I tried Path of Exile and hated the limited inventory so violently that I quit lol
any other name
23 hours ago
There’s no minion to send to town to sell either. Miserable in a dungeon crawler with normal dungeon crawler levels of loot
any other name
23 hours ago this is notably funny because he mostly only eats bracelets he forges specifically as power-ups and snacks
any other name
23 hours ago
Ali can also just make gear including enchanted gear out of thin air if she’s deconstructed enough of them first. She helped arm the town against the goblin horde by making literally hundreds of arrows.
any other name
23 hours ago
I know she’s a dungeon core but she’s scary powerful
any other name
23 hours ago
She’s been deconstructing weapons and armor that date from her city 3800 years ago before it fell so she can make more and it is making me twitch. The HISTORY. MA’AM.
L'Cygna Tovah
23 hours ago
L'Cygna Tovah
23 hours ago
any other name
23 hours ago
She can make new ones but those weren’t made by ancient Dal’mohran smiths under the auspices of the dwarven smith king!
L'Cygna Tovah
23 hours ago
L'Cygna Tovah
23 hours ago
any other name
22 hours ago
She’s from ancient Dal’mohra and is herself 3827 years old so they’re more ordinary to her but. Girl please
any other name
22 hours ago
Also they were out of context already to be fair because kobolds were using them
any other name
15 hours ago this is the fashiest ad I have seen yet
any other name
13 hours ago
Uh. Now there’s a goblin character who is not a bloodthirsty mob who must be immediately slaughtered and I feel even WEIRDER about the minions.
any other name
13 hours ago
She also summons goblins. She regularly summons low level ones and lets low level adventurers kill them for experience. (Because she’s a dungeon core. Not that she’s realized it.)
any other name
13 hours ago
...she’s sending a party INCLUDING THE GOBLIN to go fight for experience. Is she going to give them goblins to fight. Babe please make some more toxic slimes or something.
any other name
12 hours ago
I feel like this author does not understand how long three thousand almost four thousand years is
any other name
12 hours ago
How in the name of absolute fuck does this bookseller’s apprentice know even ONE of the books Ali loved before she was frozen in time
any other name
12 hours ago
It is funny that she’s raiding in this other evil dungeon and slowly taking over its territory with her nice dungeon. Dungeon v dungeon combat
any other name
any other name
2 hours ago
...aliandra. ali. you can make enchanted equipment. y'all go through mana potions like water. why haven't you tried to learn how to make potions
any other name
2 hours ago
clearly you can make liquids because you just got the option to make dirty lake water by sheer accident
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