2 months ago
uncommentable timeline for Walter to help me organize and prioritize. If you have any thoughts you're welcome to ping me elsewhere, PP, smoke signals à
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2 months ago
1. PRE ISLAND. I've been back tagging Allan this whole time which is so funny to me. I have another comment or two for Malcolm in immediate incident aftermath, and more in Consequence one. I DROPPED THE BALL ON FRANKIE AND ERIC... SCREECHING...
2 months ago
There's also Ulla and Vincent.
2. Island, basically Pyotr and Trevor, the latter of which could end soon. During this time Walter was recovering from his head injury
3. Narrenschiff. Obviously the ministroke induced by Taylor's powers is important. He was then taking it easy after that for some time.
2 months ago
4. Walter ventures out on the Narrenschiff. He's sliced by Justine and enters the infirmary to surreptitiously grill Malcolm about the meds.
⭐ inform Pyotr of the incident, this may need to be in writeup form
2 months ago
5. Walter gets jumped by Max losing his communicator. He approaches Nana about the frog.
2 months ago
6. Cap'n and Admiral announcements. Uses losing communicator as excuse to avoid Malcolm long enough to explain to Movie Club Members that he feels he'll have to give himself up to Malcolm
2 months ago
⭐ Not all of this is on screen because they have "Daisy chain" 1x1s. however probably some threaded discussion will help brainstorm how Walter near the wardens can help the members fight
2 months ago
7. Giving himself up to Malcolm in the infirmary and requesting a communicator
⭐ I can only play without comm access for so long... I think it would be interesting for Walter to note who wants to swap, or the value of energy, but I'm not sure how much of a record he could tolerate having on file
2 months ago
⭐ he would hope Misty is okay in the middle of all this but I think this can be truly handwaved
2 months ago
8. The docking occurs. I don't have Walter plans to be honest... There's so much force going around that he'd reasonably get hurt, but I kinda just don't have bandwidth for that... If he's already with infirmary crew, hopefully he'll be fine
2 months ago
9. After the docking, there'll probably be the announcement of Walter's pie crimes. That's gonna require a lot of my attention after all.
2 months ago
10. I haven't had the chance to say this, but I really hope I can finally fulfill my promise for a second larger more casual inmate party. At the same time, id understand if movie club members feel the need to lock down and control their actions very closely. Maybe Walter can just support another party
2 months ago
11. Movie club working towards Erskine 's escape method. I don't know how soon this will be, if he needs a better opportunity. I hope it's within next three months like how I was talking about with the characters having failed talking more freely about negative experiences on the barge
2 months ago
Loaded plate I got here, lol
2 months ago
⭐ I do think Silver and Walter would already have a Narrenschiff meeting place from their first NS thread
1 months ago
Update... I'm still a bit frozen in earlier time for now. think I'm gonna have Cap'n talk as first priority after the communicator and then everything else comes after that.
1 months ago
Not necessarily chronologically, but in terms of me getting that character info for themes
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