Every so often, I ponder a crossover universe of Pokemon and Monster Hunter. I don't have the energy to run such a thing, but it's a fun mental exercise.
latest #7
Today's thought on it... the Ghost Type would absolutely RUIN so many Monster Hunter monsters. Until I realized...
Magnamalo is 100% a dual type ghost. Fire or Dark as a the main type is the question.
Other interesting thoughts include what kind of pure HAVOC Rajang would wreak upon the Legendaries.
I think only the Regis, Dialga, and Reshiram would really be safe from it.
Though Groudon would PROBABLY be safe too...
Trying to think of any other Monster Hunter sorts would have ghost subtyping... I'm sure there's definitely a couple.
Curiously, almost all the ones I can think of would be Dragon/Ghost, haha.
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