2 days ago
So I got invited to a Venom 3 press screening last night. We had to submit our phones and other gadgets beforehand. Plus we were given a media embargo til tomorrow. Weird and not a huge fan of this franchise. Just supporting the wife. Anyway, thoughts.
latest #6
2 days ago
I can tell you its the best of the franchise. But thats not really saying much. I forgot much of Venom 1 and fell asleep during Venom 2. It's better than Joker 2. I'll give it that.
2 days ago
And for it seemingly having 700 different characters, it was a whole lot easier to follow than that last Ghostbusters flick.
2 days ago
The film was basically hot potato between wacky Brock/Venom interplay and MASSIVE EXPOSITION DUMPS. You'd mistake it for a DC film almost.
2 days ago
You know you've just experienced high cinema when it ends on an unironic rememberance montage set to Maroon 5.
2 days ago
The did the whole IT'S THE FINAL VENOM film but not before setting up at least 2-3 potential spinoffs. Even a "Venom dies but wait a piece of him still exists!" But hey, if it leads to a Flash Thompson Agent Venom, I'd be down.
2 days ago
That's cool. Looking forward to it tbh
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