if you don't want to do a whole comms post for Scully raising the fire alarm, LMK if you want to integrate it into this post and what she'd say, I'm happy to edit it in
shobogan for Asmodeus fights, and Zerxus either trying to talk him down or in the aftermath (or both; in the pitched battle he might just forcibly teleport Zerxus back to the barge once it's in crossing range)
ACTUALLY - I was maybe planning Kahl to have a battle with Hela but she's apparently crossing over and Kahl wouldn't think to play defense on his own. maybe after getting Yote Zerxus could be like 'HEY WE MAYBE NEED A GOD OVER HERE'
"Kahl abruptly turns into a cat and cleans one of his paws unnecessarily; this is definitely much less obtrusive or noticeable a reaction than ordinary flustered blushing."
I've got some family stuff happening and it's just. it's not dramatic to describe out loud but I'm taking on a lot more things logistically & emotionally and it's starting to hit how draining it is