賽博公主抱 唉這個糖不撒則已一撒糖尿病 嗚自己走過去 敷知道他要要求什麼就上手了我真的要死去 嗚:now my dream comes true 敷: your dream? It’s my dream! Now I can do what I want to you 貓: uhhh daddy we are the kids 敷: sorry sorry we’ll save that for later, that’s why we are in the bedroom
嗚:well I guess that’s where we say bye because I wanna, we gotta...we gotta go do... you know? Yeah 敷: sorry kids you gotta leave. Can you bring stargazers with you ? 桑本一人一隻帶走水母 敷:now come on Uki let’s have a fun time 幹最後低音炮肯定是故意的