1 months ago
People who make your own icons
latest #69
1 months ago
How do you shrink your image without losing the quality
1 months ago
I am pulling my hair out because it keeps looking crunchy
I am in fact not very good at icon making so other people will be more useful -- but what program are you making your icons in?
Generally I just crop what I need and resize. Sharpen, brightness on contrast and then saturation for mine
But I use ps for mine?
I'm pretty lazy when doing mine so I don't do all the extra stuff for mine. Contrast and brightness go a long way
meow meow town
1 months ago
slow resizing, usually i'd do like increments of 100 or 50 px depending on the size of the original
I didn't think of doing it that way. Does that help?
meow meow town
1 months ago
so like if the original image is 500, i might go 400 > 300 > 200 > 150 > 100 (assuming you cropped beforehand or you'll adjust your cropping as you go)
meow meow town
1 months ago
it helps to avoid losing too many pixels when it compresses, it miiight be a bit blurry the more you resize so you can adjust sharpness too along the way
Makes sense
I usually sharpen once and contrast after, which isn't a cure all but it works
meow meow town
1 months ago
i would say never resize an image from way too big to a 100x100 image asap because it can either look too crunchy or impossibly blurry that it can't be usable, so increments is the best way to go
The biggest thing is sometimes it's better to make it darker when you do more contrast
I'll have to try that next time
meow meow town
1 months ago
yeah i used to make icons for sharing in the past and it was the main way i fixed the crunchiness, then any color fixes/contrasts/etc i do when it's icon size
1 months ago
also if you're using photoshop, unsharp mask is great! it's a lot softer than regular sharpen (these are all things that are on photopea too, which is free)
I've been doing ffxiv for select characters (to save my sanity) for me and anyone else who wants them, but I'm pretty lazy when it comes to how meny steps I take
Me already contemplating other characters when I'm done with msq for Tsubaki but that's insane talk for how long this has taken me rofl
Mostly coming from knowing that there isn't a lot of ffxiv icons out there to be shared lol
meow meow town
1 months ago
the ff suffering...
I'm already doing... 6 characters right now?
But I'm into Endwalker at least now rofl
But that aside... I also like these tips rofl
1 months ago
I asked a question then fell off the planet, apologies
1 months ago
wisdombitch: I use Clip Studio Paint!
1 months ago
Thank you for the tips!! It sounds like Photoshop might be the way to go 🤔 I’ve tried the incremental shrink, but I still get crunchy... but I haven’t tried sharpening as I go either. I’ll try that before I see how to acquire photoshop
honestly, id try other avenues before ps rofl
i like it but I hate adobe
and it's like 360$ or something every year
i need to use clip studio more because i like that too
I use a browser ps dupe for everything
I won't say that my icons are great but they're by and large sufficiently legible
◦.🐑 Sheep .
1 months ago
lol yeah thwats what i do usually ill have the 100 by 100 psd pulled out of the main list of windows
◦.🐑 Sheep .
1 months ago
then i just copy and paste or open up the images unto their own files. then resize down to the size i want so PSD takes care of the rendering
◦.🐑 Sheep .
1 months ago
then when im done ill copy from the resize, paste in the 100 by 100 icon window
meow meow town
1 months ago
i would actually suggest photopea just because it has similar functions with ps without the pricetag
meow meow town
1 months ago
it is online tho rather than an app
ive never tried it before because i have PS but if you dont have it already and it has the same functions without the price tag? I heavily encourage it
PS is a steep price. It does what I want the best ive noticed, but fuck if i dont hate Adobe's BS
So if you can get something that does a decent enough job without paying it, id rather you did that
meow meow town
1 months ago
yeah the functions are really similar. they lay the buttons out a bit differently but they have the same layering system and some of the same editing features
meow meow town
1 months ago
it's close enough for iconmaking compared to like gimp which is usually the popular alternative for ps
i never could get into gimp. tried a few times
but im glad theres a closer alternative
1 months ago
crying yeah, definitely use photopea instead of photoshop if you don't have the latter... I stopped using the more recent photoshop bc I was also having crunchy issues with my icons when the old versions of photoshop
plz save yourself the money rofl
the only time I have massive lag spikes on my computer is when Adobe decides to just CHECK IF THERE'S UPDATES
1 months ago
gimp is great for icons tbh, it's just a really steep learning curve if you've only used photoshop/photopea... I only use it for resizing myself
Not to install them because i turned that off
to check....
that could be it too honestly
ive always had PS
meow meow town
1 months ago
i liked photopea since i only used ps cs2 for the longest time lmao since you could originally just download it free on the adobe site
meow meow town
1 months ago
and it was good enough for icons despite its many... annoying issues... (mostly looking for updates that don't exist)
meow meow town
1 months ago
if you don't have prior ps experience gimp is also good to learn but it does become a challenge to use it if you are too used to ps compared to photopea
1 months ago
God cs2 was so good. I miss it.
1 months ago
The only photoshop I have used was.... Photoshop 2.... back when you bought things on disks
1 months ago
I’ll look into both Photopea and Gimp though, thank you, all of you!!!
1 months ago
no problem!
◦.🐑 Sheep .
1 months ago
oh i have cracked photo shop 5 i believe
◦.🐑 Sheep .
1 months ago
back from ye old art days
◦.🐑 Sheep .
1 months ago
i think i can send it if u want it? lol
1 months ago
If paying isn’t owning then pirating isn’t stealing 😌
1 months ago
I would love witchcess:
1 months ago
*I would love that
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