come harass him about being Very Obviously the guy that Malcolm mentioned Walter attacked
he's not mad he's just fond
him being so excited about the marriage
He is it's nice to see people who have had shit happen to them get nice things
That's kind of what he lives for
there's a reason david is like "I will murder anyone who fucks with this person"
Sheehan is absolutely not a menace!!! Or a brat!!! (he is both of these things and he is so happy hanna and arthur get along)
arthur's first Real meeting with hanna was when he was using john's shower and walked out into the kitchen with just a towel on
so he was immediately just like "oh no. is this one mine now"
arthur's stepson, he's sheehan's first
xD At some point Arthur needs to learn a little bit more about what the fuck is up with Hanna, cause he did get a little look see, but Sheehan could be his new dad, he wouldn't complain.
fun fact for you: arthur also gets fucked up when he touches ghosts. not that he's ever tried it, but if he touches a dead body he gets to see how they died in third person
Ooph. Hanna might just have a spell for that Arthur.
Ghost touch is protection so it still works with the nerf, thankfully.
it's actually from John, so i'm not sure if that trumps hanna
regardless it's only from skin contact, which is why he's obsessive about his gloves! \o/
Hanna is Sheehan AND John's
Arthur's stepson from two directions
Ahhh. Well, if he isn't nerfed, he could seal the ability, though being that specific would take some trial and error like he did for Taylor on the Narrenschiff. But gloves are much easier, and not a maintained spell xD
Hanna, an orphan, now with 3 times as many dads
arthur has adopted 2 teenagers on the Barge, his inmate Nathaniel and also Willa Givens
and partial credit to Chase Collins who is technically 18 but was his nephew on a port bc they were both overboard
I think Alan has partially adopted him too....Which TBH is great, he could do with some positive older male role models in his life. After his dad died he has Luce Worth who is skeevy as shit xD
arthur hates alan but they've got a weird grudging respect going on, which is arguably better than just liking him, hahah
John loves Alan and frequently is the main food source for him
Hanna is aware, he and Alan may have made a little fun of Arthur's classic detective look as a treat, but it wasn't malicious xD Alan needed it, he was upset Charlie was out.
(i love everyone acting like his outfits are an Arthur Is A Detective Thing, ftr. no it's an Arthur Is A 1930s Fusspot Thing)
It was more Arthur is VERY put together and them both being who they are, is easy to make fun of xD Alan cleans up good but he definitely doesn't take care of himself and neither does Hanna as well as he should xD
if arthur can control nothing else in his life than he is going to hold onto his meticulous appearance with both hands for his own fucking sanity
Totally Fair. Abel is very similar. He was losing his god damn mind on that island not being able to shower.
Tendi really needs to meet Arthur (but she's sure she'll love him because she loves John and he's John's partner)
tendi. Arthur and John are very different.
Tendi likes 99.8% of people
Most of the .2% are other Orions
She's pretty sure she's fine assuming Arthur's great!
I will laugh if the .2% ends up being other Orions and Arthur Lester tho
She thinks DURGE is great
and he does want Arthur to meet Tendi
Arthur is an acquired taste
Acquired on a higher number of occasions than Malcolm it seems
Hanna doesn't think so, no problems there. he has no idea how that happened but it did
Hanna gets on with Malcolm too tho so maybe it's a Hanna thing
Hanna doesn't usually give a fuck about whether or not people are rude to him or say stupid shit anyways. unless you're bad mouthing someone else or his self taught magic because who ever does it better/was actually properly trained. he's rather chill.