a doctor to determine the cause if you don't already know the source.
hsumi: 😭 I meant more pain relief, this is probably caused by sleeping on a chair in the hospital
Massage therapy, muscle relaxers, ibuprofen
Ibuprofen is probably your best bet
hsumi: I'm trying ibuprofen rn! let's cross fingers and hope it works
does depend on the style of back pain, but pain stemming from muscle fatigue can be eased with heat, if it's not too hot there to use it
I usually find best results when I take both ibuprofen and acetaminophen, also
ohhhhh I don't have acetaminophen but ibu I took 800 mg
nah, don't make yourself extra uncomfortable when it's hot out!!
audiophilic: thank u! I'm gonna keep laying down flat and hope relief comes
for sure. you can also try a cold compress, it's not as good for muscle relief as heat but when it's hot out that can be double relief
If you have a tens unit that can also help with muscle pain
audiophilic: I think I can try with a bag of vegetables (?)
Yeah ibuprofen is your cheapest option for sure
yeah, a bag of frozen veg works, or like a wet towel in a plastic baggie to freeze. just wrap in a cloth and apply for 15 minutes on, at least 15 minutes off
thank you guys I feel a bit more sane now
hopefully you'll get some relief soon too!! as someone with chronic severe back pain, it is awful to deal with and I'm sorry you have to
Laying down, then bending your knees until your feet on the ground have taken the pressure off your hips. Stretches out the lower back muscles gently.
When standing, feet at shoulders width apart, then tilt your pelvis up. Immediate relief.
Hot pack or a hot shower or bath?
ZiriO: I will try to put something hot on my back a little bc I'm dying!!!!
my tension is so bad i often have to massage it myself: by hand for shoulders/neck or knuckles for lower back
gl friend, i hope it eases. back pain is the worst
but also heat is lovely when it doesn't overheat the rest of you
do you drink tea/coffee? i find that drinking a good cup of tea for me relaxes my back more than literally anything else
icepack and/or electric blanket depending
Yeah, gentle, consistent stretching throughout the day is the best way to deal with back pain that isn't directly related to an injury
PBmajesty: sorry plurk rarely works on my data but thank you
this can't be normal right this amount of pain isn't normal ... my insides are fucking acting up like hell too I can't sleep and the nurses keep waking us all up over and over and I'm in so much pain it almost feels like a cartoon comedy
Quiet meditation in a separate room might help with some of the tension. Deep breathing cycles, empty head. YouTube probably has a guided five minute meditation video (or twenty) that could help time it out.
officialbizness: surprisingly something similar to this helped... ty biz ;_;
I want to go home repeat x1000000
the nurses spent all night waking us all up which I get / understand but I also wanted to attack 😭
I feel like the stress from being in close proximity to your abuser might be part of why your body is going nuts
ZiriO: I suspect this too bc I'm getting randomly ultra nauseous and uncomfortable and stuff to the point it's definitely not normal