Callen has learned that the leash and harness go on Pippin
and Pip has the patience of a saint
oh no lol
he just brings the harness over and like loops it over Pip’s head
and the leash gets draped over whatever
he almost started a riot bc he picked up Penny’s leash after this and she started whining and I was like noooo all done
we had already all been for a walk though so no dogs were tormented in the making of this story
love how rapidly they pick up on "this is what we do to go out"
my back is Fucked and I’m not sure why
driving to the airport to get my mom definitely didn’t help
I am just in Bummertown rn man, I’m glad she’s here but I am having a hard time feeling happy about anything
the fall sads + PMS + gestures around me + back pain is a lot to go up against ig
that is a crappy equation, yes
yeah dude that's a lot on your plate
well the elephant in the room was referenced and I honestly feel slightly better. I think I underestimated the extent to which my mom is oblivious about politics
she voted for him again “because he’s friends with Russia and that will keep us safe from them” which like man I can’t even argue with that logic
she also had no idea what Woke is or refers to. I think she genuinely just does not pay attention
Which isn’t great. But like. I can live with that
moreso than “trans people shouldn’t exist and immigrants are animals”
yeah that's better than it could be. glad you're not stuck dancing around it at least.
she had never heard the word “cis” before. These people truly exist
anyway we spent some time dunking on how ugly cyber trucks are so my back still hurts but I’m at least mildly reassured that my mom isn’t personally responsible for the fascist uprising
it’s still something I struggle with a lot and continue to do so, but we did talk about the potential of her moving up here to be near me after her husband’s gone. and I think this is a much harder place to live as a trump voter
not impossible to be sure, but. my mom seeks out the same kind of social groups I do and they are unlikely to stand for it
I think her friends in Florida are just. yknow.
she does not have the strongest personality, my mom
I'm sorry man, I know this has been at the back of your mind. I'm glad you're not wrestling with it unsaid the rest of the week
bro I am STRUGGLING I started crying randomly after picking up Callen bc [sad for some reason]
god this time of year sucks. I am just fully insane
can’t wait for the inevitable “why is mom crying” oh it’s because it’s November and she thought too hard about a hypothetical sad situation
I see my mom maybe once a year and I love that the tone of the visit is already hey by the way remember how I’m Mentally Ill
ah man I'm so sorry that's always the pits
this month truly the worst of all months
I am doing ok. Blanket apology for not keeping up very well on other people’s plurks, my mind kinda feels like a sieve lately
I’ll be working again on Monday so I will have time to sit quietly in my office and kind of return to normalcy which I think is very needed
Callen had a fever last night and today and I am keeping my shit together but I’m not sure at what cost
we did at least get out for a walk this morning before the torrential rain resumed
he’s been teething I think so the fever isn’t scary but sleep has been pretty disrupted and if he still has a fever in the morning he can’t go to daycare, which means I either take a sick day or I ask my mom to watch him all day and that’s so much
considering I also need to go to choir tomorrow night
I am held together by scotch tape right now. I feel stupid that it’s been this hard even with assistance
Chris is back Tuesday and to his credit is also miserable lmao, he hates Vegas
I have a feeling next weekend we’re just going to lie on the floor staring at the ceiling in silence and it’ll be so glorious
fully not stupid for it to be hard. you're raising a human being, working full time, trying to pack in family time, and also the nature of biology means you keep getting random quicktime event disruptions that are specifically designed to make you worry about your child and fuck the rest of your schedule. that's objectivley hard
it is hard, and being held together by scotch tape is still being held together, which is really impressive considering how hard it is!