here's the truth; the global temperature is going to rise over 1.5°C and that's unavoidable. however, the truth doesn't matter anymore. we are concerned over the most trivial things and we don't give a shit that future generations will suffer. and that's a fact. no amount of optimistic science fiction will change that.
people prefer short term rewards over safeguarding their future, and that includes the young, supposedly educated ones. fuck us, fuck my generation. we suck, we're indifferent as fuck. we're selfish. we have no respect for our own home.
i would vote for a green party but they never get seats in our government because we think caring about this planet's future is for the rich and privileged ones. THEY'RE THE ONES THAT GOT US HERE FOR FUCK'S SAKE
is there any way an informatics student can make a real difference in environmental protection? i would like to consider my career options... or activism??? or both??? i don't know what to do...