July, July
3 weeks ago @Edit 3 weeks ago
PSA: https://images.plurk.com/72rIz7tbUnSGyJa3czaaD8.jpg BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCK BLOCKITY BLOCK FUCK NO
latest #7
July, July
3 weeks ago
this fuckhead is going around replying to random open plurks
3 weeks ago
what on earth
3 weeks ago
bruh are you lost
July, July
3 weeks ago
kadath: They showed up in an months-old public plurk that had been replurked a bunch with some weird ass chatGPT non-comment.
July, July
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
at least they just like trains and aren't raving about TDS and Kamala.
July, July
3 weeks ago
Platinum: They're trying to go "no, nothing is changing, don't be stupid, stupid liberals 🙃"
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