3 weeks ago
I continue to exist but have no capacity to anything at all which is a real pain in the ass. More doctors appointments than I would like but I hope we’re getting to an answer finally
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latest #8
3 weeks ago
The new medication my GP put me on isn’t working well for me so I have to get that switched and I’m not looking forward to the inevitable question about how my counseling sessions are going because they’re not.

How do you explain to your doctor that your therapist keeps ghosting you after one session? There was barely any talking at all!
3 weeks ago
Let’s just say, the experience is not helping me feel less anxious about my lack of job and getting back into the work force or society at all
3 weeks ago
:-( I hope it gets better. Seems like it's been rough.
3 weeks ago
weenwoon: Yeah, it’s not been a stellar year on many levels but I keep hoping it will get better
ɗυ boiѕ°
3 weeks ago
god I'm so sorry you've been having it so rough
3 weeks ago
kamex: I’m sorry I keep dying on tags. I keep opening dw and trying to will them to happen but I just can’t think of anything to write!
3 weeks ago
One day everyone’s going to get responses even if it’s far far too late
ɗυ boiѕ°
3 weeks ago
take your time! your health comes first
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