Vic Lenoirre
3 weeks ago
Brrr a cold Saturday, the sky was dark and gloomy. On the bright side, my office has more light switches. Before, the lights would go off after 5 minutes of no movement. It was annoying. lol
latest #7
Skip Z
2 weeks ago
You're there on a Saturday?
Vic Lenoirre
2 weeks ago
skipz: No. The facilities manager sent a text. He was working Saturday. He prefers to work on building stuff when we're not in office.
Vic Lenoirre
2 weeks ago
I would often have to wave at the motion sensor above my head. I can't wiggle when I'm staring at my computer. LOL.
Skip Z
2 weeks ago
VictoriaLenoirre: We used to do that when I was in IT as well. I'm glad they fixed that for you.
Vic Lenoirre
2 weeks ago
skipz: Me too. Now I have to remember to hit the switch every night. I got used to walking away without clicking the switch.
Skip Z
2 weeks ago
VictoriaLenoirre: It's always something. My last classroom had motion sensors, so when we were doing state testing the lights would go out if I wasn't up walking around.
Vic Lenoirre
2 weeks ago
skipz: They still keep the sensors in the bathroom. The light will sometimes go off when I'm there. Lol. I don't know if they will remove the bathroom sensor or leave it.
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