Lo plurk how be
latest #18
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
papermint tiger
2 weeks ago
i have been SO TIRED lately and i don't really know why
papermint tiger
2 weeks ago
but it is very annoying
Pen Again
2 weeks ago
chocoballs: same. I blame the weather. And the state of everything
also man I hate the look of myself in pics so much
and now I am blue again /sigh
Pen Again
2 weeks ago
/adds some red, makes you purple
2 weeks ago
/huggles you
2 weeks ago
Tired, but glad to see you. I'm sorry I haven't responded much lately.
I'm okay really just being dumb
Pen Again
2 weeks ago
I don't think a lot of people like themselves in photos. photos tend to be not flattering because you're trying to flatten a 3D person into a 2D space and it's hard to pick angles that compliment. Which isn't trying to downplay your discomfort, just saying it's ok. You're cute as you, don't focus on the photos
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