Dr. Yubsie
2 weeks ago
Got my COVID/flu vax today and it hit like a ton of BRICKS when I was getting Gavin to bed
latest #21
Dr. Yubsie
2 weeks ago
Aches and chills
2 weeks ago
OH yeah, you get to bed too. The COVID vax always hits me like a ton of bricks too
2 weeks ago
Ooof, yeah. I'm booked in for mine for as soon as my mother closes on her house, because I know I'll be useless for 24-36 hours and I can't spare the time.
2 weeks ago
(In the meantime, I mask and fret about my life choices)
2 weeks ago
Oh no! I didn't have it bad this year, but I had the Pfizer for the first time, and it didn't seem to run me over with a jeep like Moderna does
2 weeks ago
Ive heard that the Pfizer ones dont hit you as hard! Ive only had Moderna and wow they do hit
Combined vax? Woof. Rest up.
It was much worse for me than a covid vax.
I think I had about... 2-3 bad days and a full week of being run down. (That said, at the time, unchecked autoimmune disease, so my immune system was an attack dog.)
bedtime for mommy too
Dr. Yubsie
2 weeks ago
I got cocky because it had been several shots since I had any side effects beyond a sore arm
Dr. Yubsie
2 weeks ago
though last time I got the combined shot, Gavin was three weeks old so I wouldn't even have noticed...
I got the combined one around Jan 5th this year and it's the one about which I make jokes related to it turning me into this: https://images.plurk.com/43E3MVS0QYWsQWn9jlGx5P.jpg
I was not really in any state to be out of bed for like 2-3 days but when I was out of bed I was kind of this vague gentle feverish floaty creature speaking in a high-pitched whispery voice
Insult to injury was that I got a different strain of Covid in August anyway and thanks to my autoimmune condition it randomly immediately made me really allergic to all different kinds of foods
all my January suffering for nothing! NOTHING!
anyway, I hope yours passes quickly and it's all effective!
Dr. Yubsie
2 weeks ago
The only reason I didn't call out sick from the beginning was Black Friday
Dr. Yubsie
2 weeks ago
But I wound up logging off after the last war room (well, there were two more but they were both after my working hours so I was not going to be attending)
Dr. Yubsie
2 weeks ago
I was supposed to be working on the document for my annual review but I was just staring at it going with "What even is my job?"
Dr. Yubsie
2 weeks ago
This review is mostly a formality anyway because I apparently automatically get meets expectations on account of having been on leave for the first nine months of hte year
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