Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
Not me getting a good amount of my Christmas shopping done already.
latest #13
Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
Ordered the Nightmare Before Christmas set for US nibling, because it's back ordered and I'm hoping it'll make it before Christmas.
Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
Ordered a Lego set from my work because we have an enhanced weekend this week, so I got 40% off.
Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
Ordered a set of pans my sister really wanted because they were $40 dollars off.
Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
Just ordered something my husband wanted. And something that he needs. That will hide at work until closer to Christmas.
Southern Pansy
2 weeks ago
The living abroad life. I finished mine the day before yesterday, one person is done for next year too XD
Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
Heh. You're not wrong. Though I do tend to buy for folks online. It's a lot easier with my family.
Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
There. Grabbed a few games for D&D folks. Need to wait until tomorrow to get a few more.
Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
And ordered a set of boots for husband that were already about 60% off, then got a little more off as well.
Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
At least by doing things early, I get to save on shipping.
Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
The one good thing about the amount of overtime I've been doing is that I don't really have to wait this year to do most of my Christmas shopping.
Southern Pansy
2 weeks ago
Yeah, you have to ship a lot further so that makes sense. Feels good to have it out of the way though
Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
It does. And taking advantage of the autumn sale on Steam to get a few gifts is great, too.
Christmas Shard
2 weeks ago
Okay. All Steam games I'm going to buy right now have been bought.
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