So, yeah. Only the second time the mobile alerts have ever gone off on our phones. It's a fucking red warning out there for wind.
We're expecting up to 70 mph here.
Red wind advisory until 11 tomorrow. I'm supposed to start work at 8:30.
And it says a fucking lot when the one who walks to work is like, "Uh...not sure I feel safe."
Even Greggs is shut tomorrow, apparently.
oh wow! stay safe and prepare for power outages
Yeah. We have things charging right now and we have a power bank for the phones. Might turn things off at the wall or unplug them overnight.
I'm waiting to see what things are like in the morning.
That was where I'm at a few days ago. Harsh, cold as fuck winds all day. Not weather warning worthy, but still.
It's weirdly not that cold. Like, getting down to 6C tonight, but it's not that bad.
Man. I don't know what to do. It's REALLY windy out there. And I've checked the newspaper delivery, which says that some routes are running 5 hours late. Not sure we're on those routes, but there's also a new tab to track our delivery and it says "no estimated arrival" as yet.
An executive decision has been made by Main Coworker. I'm calling one of the other shops at 8 or 8:30 and saying that, due to the weather, I'm not going to even try going in until 11. We're RIGHT in the path of Darragh. The wind is fucking howling.
And I do not feel safe even WALKING to the shop.
Okay. Got the mobile info for who I need to contact and have done that.
I'm going to finish my coffee and go back to bed.
Though MC has told me that she's heard we may be getting another red wind alert sometime this morning, so we might not be opening at all.
Just heard back from the guy holding down the fort, as it were. Happy for us to open when it's safe to do so.
Nope. I'm going in to work. I really thought I could avoid it, because the wind hasn't really let down much. And we're not getting a news delivery at all. But the company wants us to open if at all possible.
In and hoping for a power outage, I swear.
There's two of us here. There's no fucking way we're making enough money today to justify that.
Yeahhh... People tend to stay home when the weather's too shitty. Not all, mind, but enough. Stay safe.
yeah, my corporate overlords are similar, they'd rather have us open for the three sales we'll make when the weather's super shitty, rather than save more money by closing
I think we made about £500? Which is WAY more than I thought we would.
Also, our papers turned up after 2. Because THEIR corporate overlords said they weren't going to do the runs at half 10. Then half an hour later said they either did the runs or didn't come back.