Set, a facedown
1 weeks ago
[ebay question] So i'm curious. there's a seller with 4 listings i want, but i don't want to pay individual shipping on all of them, so i asked if they could consolidate the listings if i offer slightly less on them. My thing is - if i offer on them, are they able to edit the shipping to less?
latest #8
Set, a facedown
1 weeks ago
they're asking me if i wanted to offer and get a final total with shipping, or if it doesn't work, they could refund the shipping after
Set, a facedown
1 weeks ago
it's a seller with a 100% rating, so I think i can trust them, but...i'm not sure how it all works y'know?
apep rally
1 weeks ago
just the fact that they're offering to work with you on it makes me think this is legit, though i can't state for certain whether or not what they're offering is possible
apep rally
1 weeks ago
i've met a LOT of hardasses on ebay, sigh.
Set, a facedown
1 weeks ago
Yeah I'm offering them on 4 things, and i'm only asking for a 2 dollar discount on the stuff. i just don't want to pay 9 dollars in shipping PER. it's a bit exorbitant lol
Sad Dad
1 weeks ago
I’ve seen a lot of ebay sellers offer shipping multiple items together. I mean it would make sense. They wouldn’t have to package things separately.
D'ankh Memes
1 weeks ago
I don't see why they wouldn't? pretty sure Ruby's done this very thing when Ebay ordering.
Set, a facedown
1 weeks ago
YEAH it's mostly i just don't want to offer and then be on the hook for 9 dollars x4 but if you all think it's gravy, I'll offer!
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