will frontflip
1 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/2DxluQ8noJ6c9dfPXa0jBk.png STOP...STOP IT
latest #9
掰噗~ says
1 weeks ago
說的真有道理 (p-wink)
1 weeks ago
You know ow for the longest time I thought your dn meant that you were going to frontflip
will frontflip
1 weeks ago
etherealdream: im going to hurt you
1 weeks ago
kammywammy: and I was always confused but then I saw "jonh frontflip" and I was like ohh
john backflip
1 weeks ago
etherealdream: we're matching dns of sworn enemies
1 weeks ago
Who are they
john backflip
1 weeks ago
john backflip and william frontflip
john backflip
1 weeks ago
john backflip, the inventor of the backflip, was hated by william frontflip so much that william accused john of partaking in witchcraft to be able to do his backflips, and was shortly executed after william made his claims
will frontflip
1 weeks ago
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