Frozen Time
1 weeks ago
[feh] heheheHEHEHEHEH
latest #8
Frozen Time
1 weeks ago
I'm winning c:
Frozen Time
1 weeks ago
I appreciate what a jamjar FEH is. Hector confronted Oswin about Uther's illness and because they're not in the same circumstances as canon, Oswin actually told him the truth, and Hector's reaction is to send Leila on a mission to find someone who might be able to cure it
Frozen Time
1 weeks ago jamjar-ass plot, no two ways about it
Frozen Time
1 weeks ago Also a really good line
1 weeks ago
all of your dreams have come true
❆ despairmas
1 weeks ago
i'm so glad you're getting fed
Frozen Time
1 weeks ago
I'm being fed such delicious fucking food, it's beyond my wildest expectations
Frozen Time
1 weeks ago
Hector: Hey, Hector, I think we should gather up all the other Hectors and all the Eliwoods and fight it out to determine which is the strongest once and for all
Hector: Hector, that's a great idea
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