[mw] [cw: underage sex, sa, and a whole bunch of bad] I fell into this Osamu Tezuka bl manga from the 70s and I’m fascinated. The main love interest is a legit evil twink but he does it so fabulously I can’t help but want to see what he does next.. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GeOKLfzWUAAplIo?format=jpg&name=small https://images.plurk.com/4C7FXQA0h3iQNeoj22Nhe7.jpg look at this evil twink go!
latest #24
The MC is a catholic Priest who is struggling with his sexuality
The story is fascinating and critique on American Imperialism during the Vietnamese war and thier use of chemical agents being stored in Japan.
This twink was affected and it fucked him up so he’s a killer.
The priest was the other survivor. So it’s like this cat and mouse thing where the priest is trying to save his soul with catholic guilt and er... gay sex.
It’s very crunchy
Mystery govt coverups and all that fun stuff. It’s nice I haven’t read tezuka in years.
I forgot the incredibly layered themes his work had.
https://images.plurk.com/wjuRb9lujAsrqs5SCjLEp.jpg This cunty expression took me tf out. Lmao
He’s also a master of disguise and uses his twink powers to dress as some of the women he’s killed
So there are instances where I’m like. It this just the same dude in a wig?
Weeeird the story is in Alcatraz now
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
They made it into a live action movie i think?
Oh I’ll have to check it out!
Bro just dr frankenfurtered this military dude and his wife, lmao.
I’m really enjoying it.
I’m here rooting for this twinks wrongs
What a good manga
1 weeks ago
Its kind of hard to recommend but i enjoy tezuka’s darker stuff. Another good post war commentary manga by him is Ayako
ohhh yeah i get it. I like his darker stuff too. I'll have to pick up Ayako.
lol looked at the movie they made and it gives the vibe of just turning them to bros, maybe.
okay starting Ayako.
1 weeks ago
its so good, i love the dark exploration. poor girl
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