JayRey Ü
6 days ago
Dumb Monent:

Inhaling chlorine gas while cleaning. Now I know what those folks at WWI felt like. (LOL) (doh)
JayRey Ü
5 days ago
ukifuneritsu xypherzx

eyes burning. intense coughing. shortness of breath. (rofl) (LOL)
5 days ago
Damn, I read stories of people who got through worse, usually mixture of detergents.
JayRey Ü
5 days ago
xypherzx: ikr. Now, I hope this is nothing. Goddamn. (LOL)
5 days ago
huuuy, wear mask ahuhuhu wawa lungs mooo (LOL)
4 days ago
IamJhayRey: agreeing with TinnieSama , protect your lungs and keep your lungs always covered. wear a mask. just like batman and his family!