2 weeks ago
]meme[ character questions for fun and profit
latest #12
2 weeks ago
Tryse - 10, 27, 34
lizzie mchigher
2 weeks ago
tryse 13, 26, 29, 36
2 weeks ago
10) What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? "I'm fine." And, no, it really doesn't. No one ever calls her on it, so they obviously think she is, and that's fine. She's fine.
2 weeks ago
27) Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? She'd really rather know the truth, because then she can think about ways to handle it. Can't handle a problem she doesn't know about. Don't call her on saying she's fine.
2 weeks ago
34) How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? She tries to be interested and supportive, but sometimes she gets distracted trying to figure out what this is, what it means, how it works. It's pretty easy to not be bored because most people don't bring her boring things.
2 weeks ago
13) What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? Probably a paleish green? She doesn't really like the color that much, it's okay, she just thinks she looks best in it. She's too pale for it to really look good on her, though. Makes her look vaguely ill.
2 weeks ago
26) What causes them to feel dread? Now? Not knowing where the people she cares about are, especially if they're probably alone.
2 weeks ago
29) Who do they most regret meeting? The noble who had her mistress killed. (You'd think it'd be Arthur, but she still thinks that the Arthur situation might've turned out fine if she'd only handled the situation differently somehow.)
2 weeks ago
36) Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? No. She just memorizes them as is. She can appreciate various mnemonics, and can appreciate them when they're actually useful, but Tryse brute forces her way through memorization.
2 weeks ago
Like carving the knowledge into a rock, except the rock is her brain.
2 weeks ago
clearly her best color is black, the color of going to destroy myself on a quest for revenge
2 weeks ago
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