1 weeks ago
https://images.plurk.com/7JgtHEj1rsEXVH4PIgOGhY.png https://images.plurk.com/7DmGZJWyE6QPdjn7ugHnpr.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6TGBYaxYz3lEjtihIm14AK.png
shipping who we're logged in as, if it hasnt been obvious it's Lucinda Power Hour here
latest #8
I am still Harding at the moment which would be very cute but also You Know what's potentially on the horizon
can you imagine it, he will address her exclusively as Miss Lucinda for ages
1 weeks ago
necrofancy: I'm just!!!
he will bow and kiss the back of her hand and everything
1 weeks ago
she will be so surprised at developments.... she's usually passive and numb, feelings weird when she's better off being calm
1 weeks ago
Logged in as Yeyasu... She can chill with the good demons in his Netherworld. He'd be such a dorky malewife simp
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
DeanDrive: i love that for him he'd get a lot of naps on her lap
1 weeks ago
He'd be in heaven! He's a hard working shogun so that would be something he'd look forward to
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