1 weeks ago
New Tryse art.
latest #24
1 weeks ago
Dreamwidth links b/c that's the only free uploading thing I got that won't shrinkydink any of the images. So it might tell you you're not authorized. Pop them open in a new tab or refresh the page.
1 weeks ago
Some of these were in the works for months. I've got two more incoming, but one just passed the sketch stage and the other's a thing where the artist has been having RL issues (and has been super apologetic about it while I'm just. Guy. I once had to wait a year for an art delivery. Five weeks delay is nothing.)
1 weeks ago
So, first, this one's NSFW. It's also not really what I wanted, which was closer to this [also NSFW] image. I wanted that sort of... shadowy/light draping effect? Something real artsy.
1 weeks ago
But the artist is Russian and uses a translation program, so I don't think it really got through, and by the time I realized it wasn't exactly what I asked for, I felt it was too late into the process to ask for a correction. You can kinda see where an attempt was made, but I'll have to find an artist better with light play if I want that, I think.
1 weeks ago
The others are all worksafe.
lizzie mchigher
1 weeks ago
the first one won't display in another tab
lizzie mchigher
1 weeks ago
says it contains errors
1 weeks ago
You have to refresh it when it does that, it should go once you refresh.
1 weeks ago
This one, based on this old publicity shot, turned out fantastic. I adore it. (I was also extremely lucky to snag a commission slot, they opened commissions during my work day, but I'd taken a sick day that day. Given they closed, like, three hours later...)
1 weeks ago
therebriedragons: I say 'refresh', sorry. I'm being unclear. What I do is, when it opens up in a new tab and says there's errors, I highlight the URL and hit 'enter' again.
1 weeks ago
And that loads the image.
1 weeks ago
Just hitting the refresh button doesn't work out.
lizzie mchigher
1 weeks ago
OH that worked
lizzie mchigher
1 weeks ago
omg the stool one
1 weeks ago
they're so cute...
1 weeks ago
This and this are the same image, one's just done up to be a bit dustier/more aged. I was very pleased to get this artist, they don't open commissions very often!
1 weeks ago
Originally, I'd wanted Tryse's face to be covered in shadows, with glowing eyes, but he suggested making it look more like a medieval artwork. The eye thing not matching her usual was to be a camera flash-like glow, to match the owl, he felt it would be a good touch.
lizzie mchigher
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
I absolutely adore the last one. Like, I'm happy with the first, even if it's not exactly what I wanted, I'm thrilled with the second, and I just plain adore the last.
1 weeks ago
(The first one is pretty, it's just not what I asked for?)
1 weeks ago
delightful witching in the last
1 weeks ago
I chose that artist specifically because they did good horror stuff.
1 weeks ago
The last one really is so good, tho
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