Mrs Sheepie
5 days ago
Castmates I want?
latest #8
Mrs Sheepie
5 days ago
i think in TLV at least there's not really anyone left that Arthur 1. knows, 2. won't kill on sight, 3. is playable, lmao
Mrs Sheepie
5 days ago
Harry has extremely limited cast but Kim coming over would be hilarious, people getting to see him gently pining over this stick-up-his-ass flight jacket bastard
Mrs Sheepie
5 days ago
Jesse has a slightly limited cast but honestly Casper would be amazing, or anyone else Remedyverse for her to meet
His personal-and-also-professional companion lmao
Mrs Sheepie
5 days ago
schematise he IS, he's as good a cop as he is bc he doesn't want to disappoint Kim
5 days ago
no one wants to disappoint Kim!
Gale like ah, Harry's boyfriend, I get it
Mrs Sheepie
5 days ago
Stolas doesn't have many who i think would heeeelp? he's got Blitz which is 90% of his damage, so he's kind of set?
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