[crowdfunding but not for me] HEY SO...my coworker and his wife's dog is having health troubles, and i want to signal boost this for him. Opening up my TL for maximum reach.Donate to Help Bonita Get Life-Saving Surgery, organ...
My coworker is a really cool guy, and he's retired so I know this is going to be really hard for them to absorb the cost of. Home Depot is not enough, and I'm sure retirement is also not enough to cover this
Anyway, there's a breakdown of the charges they're looking at in the gfm, if anyone has some spare bucks, please consider helping Don out, I know he'd appreciate it!
Bumping again, just found out today that the in-company donation program that I give money out of my paycheck for, and which we're all told to donate to for hardship payouts for fellow associates, won't pay for this kind of thing for my coworker.