I played around in the Veilguard character creator to make Wolfe and none of the hair options work especially facial hair so. Weh.
latest #14
Of course I had to go and pick the Kevin Sorbo-ass hair in the original game lmao
It wasn't even in Inquisition, we just had to use something close.
6 days ago
Sadness that there's no good options. D:
I will hold out hope for a mod cause I'll probably get this eventually for PC since we have the other three on both console and PC too
Serina615: Yeah I'm butthurt about it
Especially cause I got his face looking really good!
Close to his icons tbh
6 days ago
Fingers crossed for a mod for his hair, cuz I definitely want to see his lovely face in game!!!
hopefully it's possible! It's built on the tech they use for the FIFA games, weirdly enough
6 days ago
A thing I did know! For job reasons. (LOL)
6 days ago
lkjsaerlkj I'll discord you in a sec
I wonder if it's close enough to port hair from one game to another with mods
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