HA HA so you guys know how a while ago, a trailer hit my toe and turned that whole thing black and that was sure a time?
So far the nail's really been hanging in there, but today, after a bath, the left side is completely coming apart from the nail bed. like, detached.
HOWEVER, the impact didn't affect the right side of my nail, which is still alive and healthy, so now i have the left half free floating, and the right half clinging for dear life
this is stupid, because the right side is less than a centimeter but it won't allow the rest of the thing to fall off. what do i even do about this? should i like. should i go to the doctor???
for now i'm just gonna bandaid it
BOY I hope no one's reading my plurks since i'm not on a private tl rn because this is jarring and I DON'T LIKE IT
i don't want my nail to pull and cause pain to the not-dead part ;A;
just fall off you ridiculous uneven thing
ow! D:
when I had a nail partly pull off (though it wasn't this bad) I used scissors to trim off most of the free-hanging part and then bandaged up the rest until it grew out enough for me to trim it back to evenness
like, it depends on how flexible the dead section is, as to how well you'd be able to cut off excess
uh, idk about a doctor. maybe? your case is a lot more severe than mine was...
does google say what a doctor might be able to do for it?
it's not really giving me much, just warning of possible infection, and saying to trim off the detached part but...it won't be so easy since it'd be taking off more than half, vertically rather than horizontally
mm. all I can think is "regular scissors work better for this than like, nail scissors"
YEAH...i'll probably have to attend to it tomorrow with assistance after work. the nail was really softened up by soaking, and i was clearing out some of the hematoma underneath, which is how the nail finally detached. since it's detached basically to the cuticle tho that's why i'm a bit spooked
doctor...probably in my future
i'm just really skittish about dealing with this otherewise
might be a good idea, with an injury that big, yeah
jfc my next day off after sunday of this week is FRIDAY of next week. GUESS I'LL DIE (for legal reasons this is a joke)
OK so I've ripped both my toenails like this
both times they like....stayed on till the bed healed a bit and then eventually came off
my advice is, leave it on as long as there's open wound, but once it's closed, trim it off. it'll grow back. might take a HOT MINUTE. my toenails grow slow and it took like a year. but they grew back.
I have also lost my entire toe nail to impact injuries, the whole nail will remove itself with time. your best best yes is to cut off as much of the dead nail/loose nail as possible, then bandage it to protect it from further injury. That other part will fall off eventually, you just gotta let your body work it out.