Vic Lenoirre
11 hours ago
Property taxes have gone up again. How can the land be worth more? An old building shouldn't be worth more, that's illogical.
10 hours ago
It is a combination of factors, location, scarcity of housing units, and county need for funding thanks to every level of government taking more. Fed takes more from states, states need to cover shortage so they take from county, so county takes more from property taxes.
10 hours ago
Many more factors, like inflation, etc. Never ending.
Vic Lenoirre
10 hours ago
ChefKarl: What a headache. They rebuilt the city high school. The old building wasn't broken or crummy looking, but still they wanted to redo it. That cost a pretty penny. And yep, city workers got raises too. Yet the quality of service hasn't improved much.
Vic Lenoirre
9 hours ago
And the quality of public education in my area isn't that great. I keep learning when I can.
9 hours ago
Any bond measure could increase property taxes to pay for the bonds, similar to those used to build projects like the new school. We have several school infrastructure projects here including a new high-school.