Frozen Time
3 days ago
[transformers armada][duo don't look] pacing around my living room thinking about Hot Shot because it turns out I am the exact same person I was 20-odd years ago
latest #11
Frozen Time
3 days ago
thinking about all the shit Duo hasn't reached yet that he's going to lose his fucking mind about
Frozen Time
3 days ago
I'll be real, y'all, the back half of Armada is kind of fire, actually
Frozen Time
3 days ago
some real banger-ass plot beats coming up
Frozen Time
3 days ago
so excited for Hot Shot running away from leadership so the entire rest of the team kicks his ass about it
Frozen Time
3 days ago
Hot Shot fucking rambo-ing his way through the Decepticon base so he can tell Megatron he's a fucking idiot to his fucking face
Frozen Time
3 days ago
Hot Shot getting left with the metaphorical ball at the end of the series
Frozen Time
3 days ago
and everything that happens with Starscream, dear god!
3 days ago
Frozen Time
3 days ago
I don't think Duo knows this show is about Unicron yet???
Frozen Time
3 days ago
I'm so excited
Frozen Time
3 days ago
he's going to enjoy the Hot Shot and Wheeljack/Starscream and the kids all go on a field trip through Unicron's guts episode so much, it's so gross and fucked up
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