<rubs hands over face>
latest #16
Return of the fucking immigration bullshit.
Because I had a serious executive dysfunction. Or just had a shit ton of work over the past two months.
And realized that this kinda needs to be done now.
My middle passport is in the wind. I'm not positive it was ever returned. We have a scan of the front page, but that's it.
oh no
We also seem to be missing some council tax statements. Which were the first thing I was added on.
2 days ago
Oh, dear...
Anyway. Going to get my biometrics down and shit scanned on Friday. Had to switch shifts with one coworker so I'm working Wednesday instead. The only appointments left were early morning, so I'm heading to Liverpool at ass o'clock in the morning.
Train is at 6:15, gets me to Liverpool at half 8. Assuming I don't miss my connection in Chester, but I should be okay.
Christmas Shard
2 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
Commuter train, though, so it's going to be packed.
Have to get a taxi to Bangor for the train, because the first bus isn't until nearly 8. And I'm going to get a taxi in Liverpool because I don't trust myself to find the place in time.
Good luck! This is a lot
Christmas Shard
17 hours ago
Okay. We found some older stuff. Certificates of Appreciation from when I volunteered with British Heart Foundation. Certificates from my Welsh classes that I took right after I moved here.
Christmas Shard
17 hours ago
Actually found our original marriage certificate. And my birth certificate. Don't need the latter, but I had been wondering where it got to.
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