6 days ago

Shores Revised Chapter 4 in the bag. I didn’t need to change much, but I tightened it up a little and made it clearer that some of the dialog was, shall we say, horny for a purpose.
6 days ago
I also defined some terms I previously left uncommented on; I suspect that a lot of my readers know what a “tank” is in reference to an MMO, but for those just here to see someone enjoy being female and kissing, I had Deedee explain it in what I hope was a naturalistic way.
6 days ago
How do you make exposition interesting? By making sure that the characters it’s being conveyed to VERY BADLY NEED that information.
And I`m QV
6 days ago
do love to see people explain things in ways that make sense in-universe
6 days ago @Edit 6 days ago
“Zerkers protect themselves by killing trash monsters before they can hit you. That won’t help Sekh if they’re already hitting her.”

- explaining to Ace why she’s not an acceptable alternative tank