i need to edit that gif so it'll say "i can do this all day" 😂
i however cannot... unless maybe we're talking about sleep. LMAO anyway! i'm really hoping to tackle my tag backlog this week, but if you feel the threads are too old just lmk and we can do something fresher lol
i've been so sluggish over the weekend i haven't even responded to my TFLN tags, i'm sorry friends
You're welcome
I've also been slow and trying to catch up, so I feel you!
no need more sleep lmao
ugh i saw the perfect meme for that just now but facebook refreshed and it was gone before i could screenshot
but yes welcome to the nap squad
speaking of naps... i just napped 🤣
OKAY time to write some starters before my brain decides to nope out on me today hahaha
Lmfao this was how it felt yesterday when I was all OKAY, time to move stuff over to this midnight texting top level! TIME TO DO ALL THE THINGS and then....distraction and oops, time to sleep
siriuslydementd i have your toplevel open in a tab but my brain tapped out, but tomorrow i promise
hymnless that's me, but also nugget just NAPTIME????
babygirl that's why i'm always exhausted bc you're always awake
i've been extra sleepy today fam, and i have stuff to do later like wrap gifts and cook dinner so idk how much tagging i can do. i owe katie a starter but that's about it on my priority list lmao
this reminds me, i need to do some wrapping, too
it's wednesday and the au meme went up so i plopped
steph on there
realizing as i type that i should au into TPOR at some point 😂 like steve would be an einherjar but steph would be a valkyrie and lose her memories???
like sure she could end up in niflheim instead but she'd SO hate it in asgard
bonus points if we could figure out how to make the facetwin shenanigans work 🤣
it'll probably be reincarnation for her too tbh
then it's going to be a double whammy if asgard grabs her when she's reincarnated as steph (it makes sense for her to reborn as steph too, fate has big things in store for this woman)
TPoR!Valkyrie!Steph, you say
2 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
need a Hodr for that?
loyalwolf the full extent of my idea now is jumping off from your reincarnation au but hel is
also reincarnated instead of being yeeted to niflheim. then they're force reaped (the 40s is "recent" enough for odin to have started his desperate recruitment attempts oops) but so steph is a valkyrie and bucky is an einherjar...............
while also being asgard's greatest enemies in asgardian custody so they can't fulfill any prophecies
loyalwolf and depending on how difficult you want to make it, they could've picked bucky up after he fell or after hydra got him and wiped his mind oops
Post hydra mind wipe is like the blankest of slates
they're going to be SO pissed when they get their memories back
and i feel like they'll still end up stealing the horn then fleeing to the other realms to gather their forces
they'll just... have MCUs in tow, probably, too... so
loyalwolf YES hahaha still gotta round up the avengers
and hey the name fits now
loyalwolf the double whammy though of being in love with each other in literally forever then losing each other twice plus all the other bullshit lmfao
hey at least fate wants them to win and fulfill the prophecy bc they somehow end up finding each other still
even him being called the WS is literal now lolol
But they cant.... keep him on ice between missions. He could control this too easily. Lolol
loyalwolf at least no one can say this time that he's just a B-list avenger 🤣
2 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
I keep coming back to “but how are they controlling him between missions?” And yanno... probably a super hyper advanced jail cell designed to depower the person in it or something. This is hydra. That’s feasible
loyalwolf i mean this is a TPOR crossover, who's to say trash dad doesn't have tyr or someone midgard-based, with access to dwarven tech, operating within hydra 🙃
in one of my AUs with nic we def have STRIKE being under tyr's command lol
odin just like "oh the brat is alive? do what you need to make him miserable ktnxbye"
sorry kid your dad absolutely hates you
Dwarven tech’s got me like “is he in a collar everywhere he goes when out of the cell?” 😭
Just absolutely literally treated like a rabid dog
he'll get what's coming to him, hel and steph being the same soul is not good news bc doesn't get tempered by being in niflheim and looking after the dead so she's just a whole lot of rage
oh, for sure. you wanted a fight, Pops? Well, we've got a whole ass war coming for you.....
Prudr aka Shieldmaiden, reporting for duty. let's smash some fascists and the Allfather too, idgaf
i think i'll make a musebox post for this sometime so we can just dump our related threads on there. i'm a sucker for notes and timelines so i want all that in one place 🤣
expectedtheworld DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY but omg yes they def need an yrsa-esque ally on asgard 👀
i said it somewhere earlier... my own bakerstreet meme universe
so i have to head out to get vaxxed for RSV and i'm taking hubby out to lunch too since he's taken on so much of the housework that should've been mine the past months (and the park cafe has a delightful english breakfast!)
plus this will force me to walk HAHAHA but hopefully tags when i get back!
someone's celebrating his 90th birthday in the cafe today and the staff busted out this cake designed to be a plate of english breakfast and everyone in the cafe sang
which reminded me how everytime i come here most of the patrons are old people, and the staff even hold socialization events for them.
which is how in rp i've actually had steph say in a tag that she volunteers at retirement homes esp during the holidays
I really need to play with ~freights !!
loyalwolf i'll link you when they're back, they haven't been around for a few weeks now
and i'll also dm the other one LOL
You’re the best