Watch it just be something like fuckin pinkeye
Whatever it is it's probably thanks to the disgusting warehouse I work at lol
Lol and I'm surrounded by sick people coughing without masks YOU'RE LITERALLY IN A CLINIC THIS IS THE ONE PLACE I EXPECT SICK PEOPLE TO WEAR MASKS IN THIS STATE????
Did covid teach you nothing lmao
Fuck off autocorrect Covid is a word
Now someone is watching youtube video with the sound on but at LEAST its not loud, not like the other old lady in the waiting room whose text message alert is A FUCKING BARBERSHOP QUARTET "THERES A TEXT MESSAAAAGE WAITING FOR YOOOOOU" IM IN HELL
Her husband even leaned over to her like "pst hey honey why don't you turn that down" AND SHE HASNT??????
My cat is going to be so cranky that im late getting home 8(
The American healthcare system is garbage.
no we didn't learn anything from covid in general, lmao, in fact overall the nation has regressed on vaccination and not infecting other people which is so wild to me.............
hopefully the eye thing isn't too bad ;;
I'll live, I didnt let it get bad before seeing a doctor's so it'll probably clear up pretty quick
Doc thinks its pinkeye so they're gonna get me on some eye drops. Which I'm sure will also be over priced lol
I got pinkeye somehow this summer and it is shockingly annoying !!!! Why is this a thing that can happen to us
eyedrops were like $11, i was expecting to be paying out the ass lmao
UGH RIGHT eyeballs are annoying
Eyeballs are annoying and very finicky. .
unfortunately i need them to see