Axe Goth Real?
9 hours ago
Caught a student watching Netflix on their cellphone in class today. I told her I wouldn’t take her phone because it’s almost Christmas and I’m not heartless.

But I did also tell her if she didn’t put it away and finish her paper for my class I would spoil the entire season for her because I am evil.
latest #8
stheno ☆
9 hours ago
modern problems require modern solutions.
Don't 4get DL-6
9 hours ago
Devil Mark.
621st Raven
9 hours ago
modern solutions for a modern age
621st Raven
9 hours ago
amusingly reminds me of the one professor I heard about who was all "look I read the Game of Thrones books and know all the deaths and if you fuck around with your phones too much, I will spoil who dies when"
9 hours ago
no this is a banger actually--
9 hours ago
Don't 4get DL-6
9 hours ago
Between this and the Ars Goetia story I think you've just managed to convince your students you're evil but like.
Don't 4get DL-6
9 hours ago
The cool evil.
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