2 days ago
Moa, the mind that brought us Hatoful Boyfriend, explains some nuances of English ornithological terms to her Bluesky followers.
latest #12
2 days ago @Edit 2 days ago
nodding sagely
2 days ago
Makes perfect sense
I'm surprised Shuu wasn't used for borb lmao
bean check
2 days ago
borbs don't murder
bean check
2 days ago
i remember when the local museum had an invasive species exhibit and there was a section on the chukar partridge and despite not having played the game my sister did a spiderman pointing meme
2 days ago
this brings me so much joy
the grink
2 days ago
anakha: no see that's a barb
flare_sword: see this is just me continuing Moa's long joke about how fluffy and round he is. XD
the grink
2 days ago
I know XD I'm just continuing the image of altering one letter
the grink
2 days ago
shuu is roumd but also that fluff is filled with hate
I mean it's also filled with depression but
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