SuffocationBySilence is
16 years ago
still so confused on how to use this site
latest #18
SuffocationBySilence says
16 years ago
16 years ago
Okay, let me explain how this site works. The key is to get as many friends and fans as you can get. Why? Because your friends will fill
16 years ago
up your timeline with conversations "plurks" that you can respond to. FANS will receive YOUR plurks but you can't see theirs. So they can
16 years ago
respond to what you SAY on plurk. But you won't see their plurks until you make them "friends."
16 years ago
Okay, so the goal is to have a few ACTIVE friends that put up plurks every day so you have something to read, talk about and comment about.
16 years ago
In the upper-right hand side of your plurk screen is "interesting plurkers". These are people who are the most ACTIVE on plurk.
16 years ago
Go there and click on an icon and you will see the person's profile and their timeline. This is all the stuff that they've plurked
16 years ago
about in the past. You can respond to these plurks. Responding to people's plurks on their timelines will get people to "know you"
16 years ago
and they will ask you to be their friend or fan. You know this when your ALERTS (upper-left hand) has a little number in the parenthesis
Telemill will
16 years ago
look like Alerts (1) . . .thank means a person as asked to be your friend. Click on the Alerts. Then click FRIEND next to their name
16 years ago
and you have a new friend! Now, whenever they PLURK it shows up on your timeline (you no longer need to go to their profile page to
16 years ago
respond to their plurk 'cause YOU are their friend). Vice versa for YOU. Your plurks now show up on their timeline and they can respond at
Telemill will
16 years ago
16 years ago
Now, you can also FRIEND or FAN those interesting plurkers by click on the buttons that say "Add (name) . . . as friend".
16 years ago
If they accept your friendship, you will begin to receive their plurks and your timeline will fill up.
16 years ago
Each response to a person's plurk (like I am doing with yours) gives you Karma points. Each Plurk you create give you Karma points. Each
16 years ago
time someone repsonse to your plurk you get Karma points.
16 years ago
So go to interesting people and start finding people to add to your friend and fan list. Now you know how the system works.
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