Hotz_Brother says
14 years ago
Yo all broz and sisz (esp my Cherytsen and S.J), there is a b'day cake in the fridge. Please help me to finish it ya. He..He. thanks
latest #61
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
ur birthday cake? ur birthday?
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
i saw it ady.. but.. i 不舍得 eat
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
cheryl eat it la..
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
i oso go kap ady... too admire the two strawberry on top... too pretty... i oso bu she de... hotz_bro eat la~
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
izit hotz bro birthday ar?
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
just pass his birthday, tis month de..
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
date? dun knw...?
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
wey.. u dono meh?
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
.......... i dun knw wo..... how i knw wo....... :'-(
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
u.. u.. check at FB ma.. aiyo..
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
12 Jan de.. ai..
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
14 years ago
icic.. so if hot bro's cake lo.. i wan~~~~~ (hungry)
14 years ago
saw sth up thr.. esp MY cherytsen~~~ keke... my my my my~~~ hot bro.. u~~~~
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
ya.. i noticed that too.. hahaha.. Hot Cheryl now..
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
............... r u ok........ he said my cherytsen and SJ ok~~~~~~~ u gys din see SJ ar~~~~~~ ==
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
SJ not so important (玻璃做的).. since cheryl is the first.. kekeke..
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
sj........ u too much wit sia..... bcum sampat ady...... u guys scared hotz_bro..... he gone liao~~~ sj, u knw lady 1st?? ==
14 years ago
yala.... sj is sj... not my SJ~~~ (LOL)
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
haha.. just ignore me.. =P
14 years ago
(girlkiss)hot bro's cheryl~~~ kekekekekekke....
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
......... sia...... u still want ur bible....? i heard he is crying in my car..... now i m not planning to send him bec........
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
yerr.. the bible is 无辜 de..
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
..............wat can i do~~~ tak boleh tahan u guys de sampatness~~~ no calm no talk~~~ aahhahahahahahahahaa~~~ yes~~~~~~
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
so.. the cake.. wat's the plan.. really 不舍得.. saw it this morning..
14 years ago
yier..wat she bude.. eat it la~~~ (hungry)
14 years ago
my ah cute... is cryin... dun so cruel to him~~~ (evilsmirk)
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
u better be steady sia.... if not...... kekekeke.... ya ma.... why hotz bro dun wan eat.....
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
.....when want eat.... haha
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
.....when is hotz bro bday? dun wan login facebook le la.... line ady poor.... lazy...
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
say ady le.. is 12/1
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
got say meh...? oh i see~ then we din celebrate ler....
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
haha.. just now only.. at plurk
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
S.J. : u.. u.. check at FB ma.. aiyo.. S.J. : 12 Jan de.. ai..
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
no ar..... i din see le..... wer got..... u din get to plurk it la.....
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
nvm.. maybe network problem.. remember 0112 ..
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
ok~~~ remembered~~~~
cutevier says
14 years ago
cutevier says
14 years ago
hot bro 0112 me yr celebrate 2gether-ya....hehe..
14 years ago
den pastor ahu jung is 0116~~
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
==........... vier......... u ok ma....... i type here, u said i kou chi? yerrr..... pastor? who?
cutevier says
14 years ago
haha....pastor wei san's princess-lar....
cutevier says
14 years ago
rou.....u r ok???y today
cutevier says
14 years ago
soli is r u not u r...wrong typing...=p
14 years ago
ah jing.. sorrpy wrong typed~~ ^^
Hotz_Brother says
14 years ago
Lol, is not i dun want to eat. I oversleep this morning. Last nite went for Korean BBQ at amapng water front and eat until very full.
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
Hotz_Brother says
14 years ago
Then before we left only my ex-housemate and sis supprise me with the cake so ma can not eat any more lo
Hotz_Brother says
14 years ago
So guys dun feel paiseh ya, if u guys want to eat jst eat it la. He..he..
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
so beautiful the cake.. will take photo tonite.. keke..
Hotz_Brother says
14 years ago
ha..ha.. kk
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
took photo ady?
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
eat.. ady.. =P in my stomach
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
no la.. just kidding..
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
yerrrrr~~~~ ==
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
wan eat it now? tmr no more time to eat.. keke
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
no answer.. i open it.. and.. kekekeke
Cherytsen says
14 years ago
wat no answer..... no tooof ull eh.... juz dinner..... u eat bah~~ i eat 2mr~~~ ^^ kekeke..... i wan strawberry~~~~~~~
S.J. 랑사진
14 years ago
yaya, finally u get the strawberry.. =P thanks to Hot Bro..
Hotz_Brother says
14 years ago
Lol, yr welcome
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