jer56wi thinks
14 years ago
he's gonna spend more time exploring uvumi
latest #53
14 years ago
I'm gonna have to develop new plurk management strategy to cope
14 years ago
14 years ago
plurk can be sooooooo overwhelming
14 years ago
at least two tabs and quick plurk skimming, just sayin' :-D
philome says
14 years ago
it also gets a bit crazier with all the new peoples and when something is going on (what's going on?).
14 years ago
but it goes through quiet phases too.
14 years ago
14 years ago
yesh this has been an especially busy week for plurk.
14 years ago
and certainly all the news and stuff has made it a bit more insane over recent days. even I'm having a hard time keeping up.
14 years ago
(blush)Yep - I'd be one of those. Sorreeez. Still learning the ropes, but the comfort that it brings t61 outcasts is reeeeally appreciated!
14 years ago
no... it's not a bad thing. we're very happy to have you *all* here!!!!
14 years ago
I just come in for the "now". I skim plurks but mostly comment on the ones going on now. :-D
Jason Silver says
14 years ago
I'm liking plurk. Way better than twitter imho
Jason Silver says
14 years ago
Kinda like a real time chat with lots of threads.
14 years ago
That makes sense - especially for someone just learning the ropes. Need to figure out some good key strokes to optimize. Two tabs? Hmm...
14 years ago
14 years ago
or nods instead
dillydally thinks
14 years ago
Mumzski could mod as well actually
14 years ago
:-D Mumz
dillydally says
14 years ago
I think it's great that so many folks joined us here and it's a whole lot of fun getting to know everyone!
14 years ago
mods again. :-D
philome likes
14 years ago
Jason's description best.
14 years ago
*mods with mumz* :-D
philome thinks
14 years ago
it's even better when it wurks properly :-D
14 years ago
Hey Philo!! (cozy)
14 years ago
Coll!!! (cozy)
14 years ago
plurk in two tabs doesn't wurk imho
14 years ago
Jason Silver
14 years ago
doesn't get the two tabs references.
14 years ago
one tab on plurk, one tab on uvumi (or two actually) and about eight others in this browser
14 years ago
three tabs open in another broswer
14 years ago
<----- multi-tasks
Jason Silver
14 years ago
ahh! Sorry, little slow. I was thinking it was related to short cut keys. Yes, I have Gmail open in one tab, Plurk in another, and the site>
Jason Silver
14 years ago
I'm developing in the third. :-) Listening to my own 120 gig music collection atm.
14 years ago
Sally's multi-tasking skillz are legendary.
14 years ago
nice Jason!!!!
Jason Silver
14 years ago
The financer of this site wants everyone I know to help test it... especially addictive personalities. Takers?
14 years ago
philomath: just glad I won't have to apply them to the SXSW floods on t61 this year :-D
philome wonders
14 years ago
what site you're talking about jason?
14 years ago
*nods and smiles to Sally*
Jason Silver
14 years ago
It's not 'open' yet - but it's for people to predict current event outcomes-- like when something is in the news-- what will happen.>
Jason Silver will
14 years ago
Tiger Woods actually get divorced, or etc
14 years ago
Oh! I'll try. It sounds a bit like NewsFutures which I enjoyed quite a bit.
Jason Silver
14 years ago
*nods* not ready yet tho. I'll plurk you when it's time.
14 years ago
I predict that will happen in a few weeks :-D
14 years ago
Jason Silver
14 years ago
Jason Silver
14 years ago
The 'launch date' is tentatively Feb 1.
14 years ago
14 years ago
I was right!!!! er... not really.
14 years ago
btw, I'm loving plurk. Just spending too much time reading and replying...and Lord knows I'm verbose
mumzski says
14 years ago
your karma will reward you for that. :-D
14 years ago
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