mathys likes
16 years ago
sheila her avatar :-)
latest #27
Sheila says
16 years ago
me like, me like! AND yours! (LOL)
16 years ago
Hi! Please tell me how to post links instead of URLs? ;-) Tags and bbcodes don't work. :-))
Sheila says
16 years ago
tried FAQ?
basbakker loves
16 years ago
Sheila says
16 years ago
basbakker me too!
16 years ago
also begins to love Plurk ;-)
Sheila says
16 years ago
16 years ago
There is nothing about links in the FAQ here:
Sheila says
16 years ago
nawok I just copy pasted a url into it, worked a okay!
Sheila says
16 years ago
i.e. a url to a jpg
16 years ago
Sheila, but my how do you link my nickname to my profile?
Sheila says
16 years ago
adding an @
16 years ago
Sheila, thank you! Is there any other "tricks"? Where I can read about it?
Sheila says
16 years ago
did you discover cliques? that's quite interesting as well
Sheila says
16 years ago
also, lingering over one's name, gives you options like 'send private plurk' etc.
16 years ago
Thanks. I've discovered something myself too. To make a link like this, you should use this template: url (it's title). :-)
Sheila says
16 years ago
like news you mean?
Sheila says
16 years ago
way cool :-)
16 years ago
*the text in "stars" is italic* ;-)
Sheila says
16 years ago
rotjong says
16 years ago
Sheila, the Queen of plurks
16 years ago
By "star" I mean *
16 years ago
"star" = * (woot)
rotjong says
16 years ago
baby i'm a *star*
Sheila says
16 years ago
nawok just curious what a + would do... or a # for that matter, #check#
-vanMaanen- says
16 years ago
vanmaanen kijken of dit werkt
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