PantsyFace wonders
16 years ago
how long is acceptable to wait before reporting someone "stole" $$ on paypal.
latest #9
PantsyFace says
16 years ago
I bought yarn off a woman from Rav and she hasn't responded to any emails or Rav pms since i sent the $$.
PantsyFace says
16 years ago
crap crapity. I don't want to mess with a fellow knitter, I'm just waiting for the yarn for a sweater
PantsyFace says
16 years ago
I know i should, tho.
PantsyFace says
16 years ago
no, no, *I* paid *her*, she just hasn't sent me my yarn.
kristin says
16 years ago
how long has it been since you paid?
PantsyFace says
16 years ago
the payment went through the 25th - the last contact I had was the 24th when she said to send her the $ and she's send me theyarn
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