16 years ago
Should 16-year-olds drive? The jury's still out, it seems, but what do you think?
latest #30
16 years ago
If anything, by the time you're 21, you already have five years of experience, no?
rachelr1977 says
16 years ago
i learned to drive when i was 13 - i think 16 is an okay age to start
16 years ago
Really? Where are you from?
16 years ago
I got my license when I was 19.
AsKatKnits says
16 years ago
well... from a parent with 3 teenagers, I can see both sides. I have a 19 yr old who is a miserable driver and a 17 yr old and 16 yr old
AsKatKnits says
16 years ago
that are great drivers.
AsKatKnits says
16 years ago
2/3's of my kids were good drivers at 16
AsKatKnits says
16 years ago
Cbabe... thanks, but I think it has more to do with the kids level of common sense.
coloneltribune says
16 years ago
That's another debate entirely.
rachelr1977 says
16 years ago
dan - i'm from indiana but spent summers in northern MN - had to learn to drive to get the boat out of the water :-)
16 years ago
That's the thing. I think that no matter what the age, there's this stigma with drinking.
16 years ago
Like, you're not supposed to drink one drop until the day you turn 21...and then you go crazy with ti.
16 years ago
AsKatKnits says
16 years ago
what... Dan, you mean people drink before they turn 21???? I am shocked!! LOL
16 years ago
AsKatKnits says
16 years ago
16 years ago
Your icon is much more animated than mine.
16 years ago
AsKatKnits says
16 years ago
you will gain this as Karma increases Dan... ;-)
16 years ago
Ah. Is that one of the perks?
AsKatKnits says
16 years ago
LOL yep, it is Dan!
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